Monday, April 21, 2014

Shoulder Deep

As many of you know, most of our calves are bred through artificial insemination. But my brother-in-law also tries his hand at embryo transferring as well.  That's when a cow is bred and the embryos are harvested, cleaned, and frozen. We could send cows to a business in Iowa called Transova to do it for us, put the embryos in a recipient cow and ship them back, but that process is EXPENSIVE. We've done it before and got my love X40, but for a farm the size of ours it really isn't cost effective. 

So, last week my brother-in -law was attempting to put one of the embryos he harvested last year into a cow. Don't worry, she got a healthy dose of Lidocaine. I was told it would be a good time if I wanted to experience being shoulder deep in...well, you know where. So I gloved up, and I did it!  It was weird. There are several photos where I'm making interesting faces but those won't be posted. It was strange but it was interesting. I think I'd do it again. 

Friday morning the ENTIRE herd got out of their pens and mixed up. It took us over 2 hours to resort and get everything put back. They broke fences.  The pooped in the yard.  They fought. But worst of all, the destroyed my napping spot.

They're lucky I love them!

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